

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Getting Busy!

I just spent time not only uploading our most recent Coolidge Comet, but also putting activities and dates on the Edline calendar.  Updating these brought to light that there are many amazing opportunities for students at Coolidge not only during school but also after school!  Thank you to all of the staff and to the PTO for making these opportunities possible!  What the calendar does not reflect is all of the other things that are going on before and after school to support students: check ins (and outs) with teachers; extra help; homework programs; high school mentors; student volunteers.... and the list goes on!  Amazing!
As I speak of "all that is going on", it seems like a good moment to thank Mrs. Pink, for her focused and heartfelt efforts to staff the buildilng and to support all that goes on in the building every day.  Also thanks to Mrs. Zanni and Mrs. Mungenast in the front office; the first month of school is an unbelievably busy time in the office, and they have been efficient, steadfast, and calm in their amazing efforts!

I would like to invite parents to our first PTO meeting this Tuesday at 7:00 in the MPR. The meeting will start with PTO updates/business, followed by a short presentation on Transitions, with a Q&A session to follow.  This will be led by two of our student support staff, Marlene Lifshin and Laura Vance.   Feel free to check out the links on my blog if you would like to read more about transitions, and feel free to bring any questions or concerns you have!

And to close, I want to acknowledge that many projects are under way to help our students be a part of their "Communities"!  I will post pictures to keep you posted on some great projects!  This week, I captured a few homerooms cleaning up the greater Coolidge/Fields areas!  Well done, everyone!

I hope you have been enjoying this amazing weather (as I write this I am sitting on my deck, enjoying the sun, the breeze, and the fall foliage)!

Sunday, September 22, 2013


You might have already heard me speak about how important "community" is at Coolidge.  But community is not exclusive to what is going on within the walls of Coolidge, but it is also about Coolidge's place as part of a greater Reading community.  The teachers at Coolidge will be reinforcing this idea with students this year, using the word "Community" with many things that we do.  For example, in our daily actions we think about our impact on our close community.  To a greater extent, we will be encouraging students to think beyond themselves and to contribute more actively to our greater community.  This has already begun!

For example, in Mrs. Jacobsmeier's 6th grade Social Studies classes, she challenged all students to make a 9/11 pledge of service using the phrase: "I will...".  This message then spread into different grades and settings, and these statements now hang in the hallways throughout Coolidge.  Students and teachers alike have made pledges to extend themselves by doing acts of help or kindness, and have been celebrating the fulfillment of these pledges.

Another example is how Coolidge has connected with the Reading Climate Advisory Committee to participate in the Green Apple Day of Service (thanks to president Joan Boegel!) (  The official day of this is September 28.  Many advisory groups have used this connection to brainstorm what their goals are for the fall and for the year in terms of helping their communities.  Some have already begun cleaning the grounds of the school, others are tending gardens, and others are reaching out to local senior centers and schools to plan on projects.

I encourage you to talk with your sons and daughters about their part in various communities: your families, the school, Reading, and beyond.  How do we help them to become aware citizens who contribute to the greater good?  We do this by giving opportunity and reinforcing the importance of this in various instances.

Don't forget to check out the Coolidge Comet (link above) for calendar updates, including the kick-off assemblies for the PTO's Magazine Drive.  I have changed the format of the Comet this week, removing the lunch menu items (since that is also now linked above) and including recurring events rather than typing them over and over.  I hope this works for you!  Many after school opportunities are starting, and work best with student involvement!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Open House!

When I was in middle school, I, like most middle schoolers, wanted to fit in.  The idea of public speaking was at the bottom of my list of things I wanted to do in my life, as having the undivided attention of any number of people was the most overt, standing-out type thing imaginable.  Being a teacher, politician, or motivational speaker were all off the table in any career planning I was doing at the age of 12.  So how ironic that I found myself in front of you all last night, a crowd of hundreds, without a jiggle in my knee or a drop of sweat in my palm.  Instead, I was infused by confidence, as I felt I was speaking with our community, an extended family of sorts, rather than to an audience.  Our community was all congregated in that (sweltering) space together for the same reason: because we all so deeply care for the students who come to this school every day.  Thank you to all parents who were able to attend this evening in support of the school, the staff, and your children.  And thank you to the staff who made the evening possible!  As I walked the hallways and sat in on team presentations, I was so proud of our staff, from teachers to custodians to all support staff.  We love what we do here at Coolidge, and you love the children you are sending to us, and it makes for a very positive and supportive learning environment!

It was a long, hot week this week, and I want to commend the students on "doing school" so well despite the almost oppressive heat.  We had classes seeking refuge on Thursday in the few air conditioned rooms of the school.  Water breaks were encouraged!  And we made it!  I do hope everyone has a restful weekend.

As for the week ahead, a lot of school events will be getting underway.  Please check the most recent version of the Cooldige Comet (tab above) to for times and locations for the following activities:
Monday: Student Council and Yearbook (both for any interested student)
Tuesday: A World of Difference (for those who were chosen last year)
Wednesday: Science Team (for all interested students)
Thursday: Grade 6 Math Team (for all interested 6th graders!)

Again, check out the Comet for more dates/times for upcoming events!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Science Olympiad Head Coach Needed!

The Coolidge Science Olympiad Team is searching for a new head coach!  The responsibilities of a head coach are those of organization and enjoying children.  No need to be sciency!  The head coach organizes practice schedules, helps to oversee students as they prepare to compete in 25 events in the state tournament in March, and work with the parent group, who is there to support the team.  The hours are after school (often 2:30 - 5:00), but are flexible depending on the availability of the coach.  If you, or anyone you know, is interested, please contact Mrs. Marchant at Coolidge!  This is a paid position, and would be perfect for a parent, college student, retired teacher, or teacher!

Advice on Transitions, Routines, and Independence

Greetings, Coolidge Community!

After two partial weeks of school, I feel that we have eased into school successfully.  Teachers have outlined rules and expectations, forms have been sent home and are being returned, routines have been established, and now the real work of school can begin!  The week ahead marks the first full week of our school year.  It is sure to be a bit tiring and exciting, with homework assignments being given, five days of getting up early in a row, and a Parent Open House on Thursday night!  This can be a week where kids get tired and stressed.  Creating consistent routines at home can help to alleviate stress.  Good routines include when homework is done (and where), setting a good bedtime that allows for a full night's sleep, and being sure to balance fun with work.  It's much easier to start with more structure in the beginning of the year rather than try to create it partway through!

Also, when students are in middle school, parents often have questions as to how much they should be involved in their sons/daughters lives in middle school.  These three years of middle school reflect great development, and somewhere within the three years, it is normal for the boys and girls to resist help from parents and to test out their independence.  While this is completely normal, we encourage parents to remain involved, despite pushback from students.  It is still encouraged to check student work, especially for those who might have trouble completing homework consistently and thoroughly.  That being said, please do not do a child's homework for them, or fix too many mistakes.  Letting them know generally where/what the mistakes are, or directing them to what might need to be fixed, is different than doing it yourselves.

In addition, we often find parents struggling with how many freedoms to give their children outside of school (for example, on early release days).  While these freedoms might change or become more as a child ages, one thing that should remain routine is parent contact.  Please take time to get to know each other, to reach out and to introduce yourself, and to build relationships so that you feel comfortable calling each other when plans are made between your children.  It's encouraged that parents contact each other and work togetether to know where your children are and to work as a community to keep our children safe!

Some weekly announcements:
  • After school homework support begins Monday, September 9!  This includes the library (open until 4:00 except for Fridays and early release days); Homework Hangout; and also HPR for 7th and 8th graders!
  • Please be aware that Wednesday September 11 is an Early Release Day.  Students will be released at 1:00.
  • Slight adjustments were made to the Coolidge Dates of Interest (link above) for the Magazine Drive Kick-Off Assembly as well as for the Winter Concert Dates.
  • The Coolidge Comet has been updated.  Please note the addition of a Select Chorus Audition on September 24.
I look forward to seeing parents on Thursday evening!  We will start the evening with a principal/PTO presentation in the cafeteria, followed by opportunities for parents to hear from their student's teachers.  It's a wonderful opportunity to become familiar with the teachers, their expectations, and to also come and see how the building is looking!