

Sunday, January 12, 2014

A Personal Message

Dear Coolidge Community,

I decided to write this week's blog post in letter format to you, as it seems more personal, and my message this week is very personal.

As you have likely heard, I have been officialy appointed as the Principal of Coolidge.  This means I will officially stay on in the role of principal moving forward.  I am extremely honored to have been offered this opportunity as well as extremely excited to be able continue to have an impact from this vantage point.  While my learning curve has been steep, I feel that I am coming into my own as an administrator, and I am very much enjoying the new challenges and opportunities this new opportunity affords.

The decision to stay on in this role is not a decision I took lightly.  As is the case with all parents, we try to find a balance among all of the aspects of life, including family, work, and selves.  No matter what job I take on in life, be it parenting, teaching, being a principal,  etc., I want to do that job well and to give it my absolute best.  These past six months have allowed me time to see if I could balance the aspects of life and to also feel that I was giving both my family and Coolidge the quality involvement that both deserve.  It was important for me to weigh all aspects of this decision, as I care so greatly for both my family as well as the Coolidge community.

Now that the position has been offered and accepted, I feel completely invested in the role and decision.  I feel more energized than ever to continue to be the best principal I can be for Coolidge for the sake of the students, staff, and parents.  And so it is with a full heart, and full committment to do my absolute best, that I move forward in this position.  I appreciate the support of so many of you, and very much look forward to all we will share moving forward as we work together to make Coolidge the best it can be!

With warm regards,
Sarah Marchant

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