

Sunday, September 22, 2013


You might have already heard me speak about how important "community" is at Coolidge.  But community is not exclusive to what is going on within the walls of Coolidge, but it is also about Coolidge's place as part of a greater Reading community.  The teachers at Coolidge will be reinforcing this idea with students this year, using the word "Community" with many things that we do.  For example, in our daily actions we think about our impact on our close community.  To a greater extent, we will be encouraging students to think beyond themselves and to contribute more actively to our greater community.  This has already begun!

For example, in Mrs. Jacobsmeier's 6th grade Social Studies classes, she challenged all students to make a 9/11 pledge of service using the phrase: "I will...".  This message then spread into different grades and settings, and these statements now hang in the hallways throughout Coolidge.  Students and teachers alike have made pledges to extend themselves by doing acts of help or kindness, and have been celebrating the fulfillment of these pledges.

Another example is how Coolidge has connected with the Reading Climate Advisory Committee to participate in the Green Apple Day of Service (thanks to president Joan Boegel!) (  The official day of this is September 28.  Many advisory groups have used this connection to brainstorm what their goals are for the fall and for the year in terms of helping their communities.  Some have already begun cleaning the grounds of the school, others are tending gardens, and others are reaching out to local senior centers and schools to plan on projects.

I encourage you to talk with your sons and daughters about their part in various communities: your families, the school, Reading, and beyond.  How do we help them to become aware citizens who contribute to the greater good?  We do this by giving opportunity and reinforcing the importance of this in various instances.

Don't forget to check out the Coolidge Comet (link above) for calendar updates, including the kick-off assemblies for the PTO's Magazine Drive.  I have changed the format of the Comet this week, removing the lunch menu items (since that is also now linked above) and including recurring events rather than typing them over and over.  I hope this works for you!  Many after school opportunities are starting, and work best with student involvement!

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